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Level Up Safety rules

Level Up is a fantastic, private hire venue, however, to ensure the safety of all of our guests and to provide you with the best experience possible, it is vitally important that these rules are followed and understood in full.

Our rules

​These rules are a summary to remind your guests prior to your event, however the full terms and conditions must be understood and are available following this link -


  • No food or drink is to be consumed on the gaming floor, we like to keep a clean play area, so we ask that you not bring food or beverages into the gaming areas. We have a waiting area where food and drink are permitted and the refuel room at the end of your event.


  • No running, climbing on the equipment or using excessive force when using equipment 


  • Please respect our equipment. All our equipment is expensive and can be damaged if dropped or treated carelessly. If equipment is damaged then this will be billed to the party booker and if purposefully then the guest will be evicted


  • The party booker takes responsibility for all guest's behaviour 


  • You must adhere to the height restrictions present on some machines. Our hosts will identify these machine and check the heights of guests.


  • All VR machinery requires a host to assist you on and off the equipment


  • Where provided, all safety equipment such as safety belts, must always be used


  • No backpacks, bags, purses, etc. They can be a trip hazard to guests that are playing. We have a designated area where you can put your belongings until you leave. Dress comfortably, unrestrictive clothing and comfortable footwear are a must.


  • Machines are always on a first come-first served basis and the experience of your other guests must be respected. ​


  • No inappropriate behaviour or horseplay. Guests wearing a VR headset cannot see the outside world. Someone could get injured or equipment could get broken by behaving inappropriately. Anyone that doesn’t follow this rule will be asked to leave.


  • No guest should be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, if suspected then you will be refused admission or evicted


  • Guests on medication that causes drowsiness should not use the any of the machines


  • This venue is not suitable for guests that suffer with seizures including photo sensitive epilepsy 


  • Some of our games are rated PG and so some content may not be suitable for young children however, it is still the person booking's responsibility to assess if the venue is suitable for your guests, that they can follow instructions and behave appropriately at any age. Responsibility lies with the person booking to assess suitability.


  •  When your time is up, collect your belongings and exit the gaming floor and Power Up room immediately. This allows us to prepare for other events

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