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terms and conditions

In the subsequent context, our registered name, "World VR Ltd." shall be henceforth referred to as "Level Up." Individuals assigned as the Event Manager, Event Staff Members, or any other personnel associated with the venue shall collectively constitute Level Up Employees. Furthermore, the individual who booked the event space will be referred to as the "Client," with all invited attendees referred to as "Client's Guest(s)," hereafter. The term “equipment” will cover all gaming machines, fittings, fixtures, and decorations. Lastly, the term "premises" refers to the entire event space and parking area, wherein the “event space” is defined as the first floor gaming area (Action Alley and ancillary rooms), food room (Power Up room) and common areas, and the “ground floor” is defined as the waiting room and common areas. Common areas include corridors, staircase, public reception area and toilet facilities.

Level Up operates as a Private Hire Venue, hired for private use for an agreed set duration of time. Throughout this duration, the Client assumes complete responsibility for the event space, as defined, themselves, the Client's Guests, and all equipment, as defined, within the premises for the entire duration they and their guests are present. The Client and their Guests agrees to fully understand and adhere to the following terms and conditions:

I. The Client must be over 18 years old at the time of booking and agrees to take full responsibility for all of the Client’s Guests and their actions. The Client will also ensure that they remain on site for the entire
duration of their event which is from the arrival of the first Client’s Guest until the last Client’s Guest leaves the premises, as defined. The Client must supervise any of the Client’s Guests that are under the age of 18.

II. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that the Client and the Client’s Guests understand and comply with the terms and conditions listed by Level Up.


III. The Client must ensure that the Client and Client’s Guests have viewed and understood the Level Up Safety Induction Briefing available on the Level Up Website ( prior to arrival and adhere to all information contained within it.


IV. The Client must ensure that the Client and all Client’s Guests adhere to all instructions provided from the Safety Induction Briefing, comply with safety guidelines on the Level Up Website, and follow instructions from all Level Up Employees, as well as any rules posted around the premises.

V. The Client and/or the Client’s Guests must raise any concerns or seek clarification with the most senior Level Up employee (usually the Event/Duty Manager) about the use of any equipment, as defined, prior to use.


VI. The Client takes responsibility to ensure the well-being and proper behaviour of themselves and the Client’s Guests. The Client must promptly report any accidents to appropriate Level Up employees for
immediate attention and assistance and the Client is required to ensure they receive a copy of the accident report. The Client takes full responsibility for all their Guests whilst in the premises;


VII. Whilst the Level Up employees help maximise both the Client and the Client’s Guests enjoyment of the use of the equipment and premises, as defined, they are not a replacement for parental/responsible adult supervision.


VIII. The Client understands that a maximum of 25 people can access the event space, as defined, which must include the Client at all times. The Client must remain within the premises as defined, at all times.
Additional responsible supervising adults may be required for special circumstances and parties of under 18s. The number of guests is strictly enforced.


IX. The Client has hired the premises, as defined, for the specific duration as specified within the booking confirmation provided to the Client prior to the event. The event will start and must finish promptly at the agreed times. The Client agrees that both the Client and the Client’s Guests will arrive 15 minutes before the start time, as defined, within the booking confirmation. Failure to adhere may impact the duration of the event booking, and Level Up will not be liable for any missed duration due to The Client’s noncompliance of the agreed timings.

X. Level Up reserves the right to terminate the event and/or remove the Client or Client’s Guests without notice and/or with immediate effect if behaviour is deemed likely to cause damage, distress, or annoyance to others and/or the equipment, as defined, and/or premises, as defined. No refunds, compensation, or expenses will be provided in such cases;


XI. Level Up operates a ‘zero-tolerance’ policy towards aggressive or abusive behaviour directed at Level Up employees. This includes any threatening comments, bad language, physical contact and aggressive
gestures. The Client understands that Level Up reserves the right to remove any individuals (The Client and/or the Client’s Guests) that display this behaviour and will call the authorities if appropriate. No
refunds or compensation will be provided in these circumstances;

XII. The Client agrees to ensure that the Client and the Client’s Guests wear appropriate attire that is unlikely to get entangled in any of the equipment, as defined. Level Up takes no responsibility for any damage to personal attire and/or accessories.The Client will also ensure that the Client and the Client’s Guests will wear footwear during the entirety of the event. The Client and the Client’s Guests are advised to remove jewellery, mobile phones, and valuables before engaging with the equipment, as defined. 


XIII. The Client understands that Level Up takes no responsibility for any loss, theft, or damage to personal belongings brought onto/left at the premises, as defined. The Client and the Client’s Guests should keep their valuables secure and under their supervision at all times. Any items are left at the owner’s own risk. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that the Client’s Guests are aware of this.


XIV. The Client must ensure Client and Client’s Guests comply with all height and age requirements specified by Level Up;


XV. The Client accepts that Level Up cannot guarantee that all equipment will be operational at all times. However, Level Up will endeavour to ensure that all equipment is operational during the event. No refunds or discounts will be offered. Equipment is subject to change with no prior notice;


XVI. The Client agrees to permit use of photography and videography by Level Up Employees for commercial purposes for, including but not limited to, social media, promotional materials, advertising, etc. Level Up reserves the rights for all photography and videography taken within the premises, as defined. Any commercial gain from photography and videography taken within the premises, as defined, belongs to Level Up without remuneration to the Client or the Client’s Guests. The Client agrees to have sought permission as per this clause for photography and videography to be taken and used for commercial purposes from the Client’s Guests prior to the commencement of the event. Consent is assumed by attendance unless notified in writing to Level Up prior to the event if there are any concerns or restrictions regarding photography and videography. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure
this is communicated to Level Up, in writing, at least 48 hours prior to the event, on behalf of the Client or Client’s Guests;


XVII. The Client agrees and consents for the use of CCTV monitoring for training, health and safety, insurance, and security purposes on behalf of all individuals;


XVIII. Once the booking is confirmed by Level Up via booking confirmation, Level Up offers no guarantees of refunds or rescheduling for any cancellations or non attendance. The Client may request to refund or
reschedule the event and Level Up will endeavour to resell the event time and date to facilitate the refund or reschedule, however if this is not possible then no refund or rescheduling will be offered.


XIX. Level Up reserves the right to terminate the event if there is a breach of the terms and conditions, the safety of individuals is at risk and/or the equipment and/or premises, as defined, is at risk of being


XX. The Client agrees and understands that the common areas, as defined, can be frequented by the general public. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure the supervision of the Client’s Guests if these Guests are under the age of 18 at all times within these common areas, as defined.

XXI. The Client agrees to take full responsibility for the Client’s Guests until they have departed the premises, as defined. The Client must take responsibility and supervise the Client’s Guests under the age of 18 and remain within the premises, as defined, until all have departed. No Client’s Guests under the age of 18 can be left on the premises without the Client.


XXII. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that both themselves and the Client’s Guests do not damage the equipment and/or premises, as defined. The Client understands and acknowledges that charges may apply for any damage incurred to the equipment and/or premises caused by either themselves and/or the Client’s Guests.


XXIII. The Client understands that unauthorised alcohol, drugs or intoxicating substances are strictly prohibited on the premises. The Client and the Client’s Guests under the influence will be removed and/or denied entry, and no refunds or compensation will be provided.


XXIV. The Client agrees to ensure that both the Client and the Client’s Guests only engage with equipment, as defined, that aligns with their level of proficiency.


XXV. The Client understands that any area marked with a ‘Staff Only’ sign within the premises, as defined, is out of bounds for both the Client and the Client’s Guests throughout the entire duration of their event.

XXVI. The Client agrees that by confirming your booking with a payment to Level Up for their event, The Client acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to comply with the rules and guidelines outlined in the above terms and conditions. Failure to adhere to these terms may result in the termination of the event without a refund.


XXVII. Level Up reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate any events or services provided without prior notice. In such cases, Level Up will make reasonable efforts to inform the Client of any changes or cancellations.


XXVIII. The Client acknowledges that, whilst every consideration has been given for the safety of individuals, Level Up is in no way liable for injuries or accidents that may arise due to the improper use of the equipment, as defined, and the Client is responsible for the safety of both the Client and the Client’s Guests.


XXIX. For Client’s Guests under the age of 18, the Client agrees to have sought permission from their parent or legal guardian in advance for them to attend the premises, as defined, and use the equipment, as defined. For as long as the Client’s Guests who are under the age of 18 are within the premises, as defined, the Client agrees to take responsibility and act as an appropriate adult for all of the Client’s
Guests under the age of 18 whilst on the premises, as defined.

XXX. Level Up does not assume any responsibility for the supervision or actions for the Client’s Guests whilst on the premises, as defined.

XXXI. The Client agrees to indemnify and hold Level Up harmless from any claims, demands, or liabilities arising from the event including but not limited to accidents, injuries, damages and costs (including legal fees) caused by the Client and/or the Client’s Guests.


XXXII. By using the equipment, as defined, and occupying the premises, as defined, the Client acknowledges and understands that there are inherent risks involved. The Client voluntarily assumes all risks, including but not limited to safety, accidents, injury, and damage to personal property for both the Client and/or the Client’s Guests.


XXXIII. The Client ensures that the Client and all the Client Guests are physically fit to attend the premises, as defined, and do not possess any medical conditions that would impede their safe use of the equipment and premises, as defined. The Client ensures that, in the case of pre-existing injuries and conditions, such guests have limited use and/or do not use the equipment, as defined. The Client ensures that all of the Client’s Guests with pre-existing conditions and/or is pregnant have sought medical advice prior to the event and before engaging in the use of the premise and/or any equipment, as defined. Level Up will not provide any medical advice concerning the physical condition and ability of any guest to use equipment, as defined.


XXXIV. The Client will ensure that any specialist first aid equipment that is required for the Client and/or the Client’s Guests will be provided by the Client and the Client fully understands how to use the equipment. Level Up will not provide any support with specialist first aid equipment. 


XXXV. The Client understands and informs their Guests that the premises, as defined, have first floor facilities with access limitations. The Client must ensure prior to the event that the event space, as defined, is suitable for the Client and the Client’s Guests.


XXXVI. The Client agrees to perform their own risk assessment if they believe themselves or the Client’s Guests have any specialist requirements.

XXXVII. Due to Food Standards policies, as defined by the Food Standards Agency, no external food or drink is to be brought into the premises, as defined, without prior consent. Further to that, all food and drink may only be consumed within the food room (Power Up) or the ground floor waiting area.


XXXVIII. It is the responsibility of the Client to inform Level Up of any dietary requirements that apply to themselves and/or the Client’s Guests at least 48 hours prior to the event.


XXXIX. The Client understands that Level Up is not an allergen free environment and there is a risk of cross contamination. If the Client or any of the Client’s Guests have an extreme allergen, Level Up reserves the right to refuse service of food.


XL. The food and drink selection provided by Level Up is fixed and Level Up is unable to make changes to what is offered. Level Up reserves the right to change the food and drink selection without prior notice.


XLI. The Client must comply and understand that no decorations and/or any birthday party merchandise is permitted to be stuck to any wall within the premises, as defined.


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